Enhancing health equity

We apply a health equity lens to every CHRT project and support clients who are pursuing more complex health and social equity initiatives.

Q: How can we improve the health of Medicaid enrollees?Q: How can we advance health outcomes for people with disabilities from marginalized communities?Q: How can we improve the health of people with transportation barriers?


How can we improve the health of Medicaid enrollees?

By helping health care providers address the social and behavioral needs of their patients. 

CHRT's RolE:

CHRT’s health and social equity team continues to facilitate a learning network of Regional Health Collaboratives to address challenges, document lessons learned, and scale best practices for supporting health and social care integration through community information exchange.


The learning network reached geographically diverse communicites, including urban and rural communities, which helped to reach a more equitable system of integration.

Services: Backbone support, learning community facilitation, integration planning, community capacity building.


Regional Health Collaboratives participating


Medicaid and uninsured people served


counties served


How can we advance health outcomes for people with disabilities from marginalized communities?

By examining the relationship between social determinants of health and healthcare utilization, providing access to data, studying accessibility, and developing equity tools.

CHRT's RolE:

CHRT is providing periodic training at workshops and symposia for key stakeholders interested in learning how to have impact in the health policy processes.


In the first year of this project, CHRT will deliver policy trainings for approximately 25 researchers and students. Over the course of the five-year project, CHRT will deliver three policy trainings and develop two issue briefs.

Services: Policy training, issue brief development and dissemination


policy trainings planned


researcher and student attendees

All trainings accessible through ASL interpreters, open captioning, and braille materials


How can we improve the health of people with transportation barriers?

By providing transportation to people who need help getting to medical and social appointments so they can maintain their independence and health.

CHRT's RolE:

CHRT served as the administrative hub for a transportation pilot co-designed by the MI Community Care network and transportation provider partners.


CHRT facilitated community capacity building by strengthening the ability of community partners to address identified community needs and gaps.

Services: Backbone support, community capacity building, integration planning, project management

Reliability, scheduling, affordability, and location were identified as top transportation barriers


of MI Community Care participants needed transportation support


rides given between May 2022 and April 2023